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Climbing Face Response 2

I was fooled by the first image! I really thought the man on the string was an artistic choice. 

I I were to record this image in detail, I would say that this is a close-up image of a girl. This girl is expressionless, but whatever angle you look at her, she is staring directly at you. This image has more of a natural tone, and there is no color that necessarily pops out. Her skin looks quite coarse and uneven, and her lips are greatly chapped or dry. She may have some makeup on. I feel as if this is a closeup of her face on purpose, to make the viewer pay attention to the detail that lies within and subsequently become uncomfortable. If she was standing in the distance, there would be no detail and this feeling of personal space being violated wouldn’t be there. However, if this was just a closeup of her eye, I would just see an eye because that has been done many times before. For some reason, people really like drawing and photographing eyes. There is something off about her, and she’s staring directly at me. After staring at it for a minute, I found it to be a little creepy. The title adds onto this effect. “The Last Girl”? Does he mean that in a literal sense or…?

While there may be separate panels holding this image up, it looks like one continuous image, as if it was on a billboard on a highway. I am not quite sure how people put large posters up, but the wall behind it must help quite a lot. The location looks pretty urban. The building behind it looks quite tall, which is commonplace in a city (and sometimes in a town center, but usually the former). A large poster is also more common in a city, because there are millions of people potentially passing it within a day’s time. The same wouldn’t be true for a small town, so any work of art wouldn’t have to be as big. These images give a good person to image scale, so it must be massive. I feel like many city residents would view this image from quite a far distance.

This girl has no expression, and anyone passing by can project their own feelings onto her face. For instance, a person who is having marriage problems at home and a crappy boss might see her as melancholy and more beat up than another passerby who just got an engagement and a raise. I cannot decipher the title. I feel as if it’s the same as the mood of the image… it depends on the viewer’s mental set to determine whether the title is literal or metaphorical.


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