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Cubism Response

I feel like this could be achieved with one photo, using Photoshop to distort and cubby different parts of the image. However, on the basis that multiple photographs were used and Photoshop was used only to place the photos in their respective spots and crop them, these are my responses.

At least 15 photographs were used, but it could be as many as 30.

I do not believe that they were taken at the same time of day. Take the image at the top that says “Mathew Street The Beatles”… the buildings look a lot darker than their surroundings. Perhaps it was later in the afternoon when McNally shot some of these?

There is one prominent vintage, grimy overlay on the entire image, most noticeable at the bottom of it. There are dirt stains and scratches covering the entire bottom of the image. There are also some specks at the top of the image, which could be part of the same overlay that caused the vintage dirt at the bottom. McNally also likely used some subtle lighting changes (like Curves, Levels) to make the whole image flow more easily… 

Some of these photos are very similar (like the shop that is closest to our view on the right), so McNally probably took very similar photos at different times of day and composited them. He also either took some very blurry photos or turned them blurry in post-processing.


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