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Narrative Project


  1. The image is well composed with the subject of the image being clear, and there are leading lines to the main focus of the image. However, there is something in the background that might not pertain to the image that is a little distracting. The red helps create a sense of urgency and panic, and catches the eye. The story of the photo is easy to understand.

  2. I think the color is a bit over the top, i can see what it represents though. I just think you should left it as it was, or maybe not so bright of a color! The story it tells is good and easy to get, so good job.

  3. This image is put together really well and the focus is on point. The red filter is really effective as well and gives me the feeling that he is really hurt. The story behind this I believe is this boy got hurt from doing something and his mother had to help him with his injury. I really like this image because it really gave me the feeling of his pain and how he and his mother are feeling. I really like how you added the red filter it was a nice touch.


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