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Climbing Face Response

This image is of a miniature person climbing the face of a large woman (which is what I assume, because the face dons makeup). This person is climbing this face as if they would climb a cliff or a large mountain, with a rope guiding them on their journey. I believe that this is an artistic image created with Photoshop. This scenario couldn’t actually happen if both people were alive, so unless one of these figures is a sculpture, this must be an artistic image, because no one could document this scene due to the lack of variability in the size of humans.  I believe that this image is photoshopped. A person climbing a mountain was superimposed onto a blown-up photo of a woman’s face, and I believe that the string was added later because that would be hard to cut out of a far-away shot of the person climbing the mountain, and the person is not holding the string. It’s as if they aren’t attached to the string. 

This image gives me the feel of a movie poster, because they sometimes have ambiguous images that only make sense to one who has seen the movie. One passes by such poster, and they are intrigued by what greets them. This causes them to buy tickets to the movie and watch it. Why is that person climbing that girl’s face? Is it literal? Does it have hidden meaning? That’s so cool! I guess I’ll have to watch the film to find out.

I’m going to go with a metaphorical sense here. I am going to assume that the photographer meant this image to have deeper meaning as well. The fact that the size contrasts so much almost screams at me to interpret this metaphorically. This miniature person is scaling this large woman. I have a feeling that this has something to do with their relationship. Is this a psychologist having to work hard to understand this woman and her backstory? It’s taking them much time and effort to climb her face, which could symbolize the time and effort it’s taking him to understand her complexities? Or it’s the dynamic of a woman and her partner fighting? If the meaning of the image is interpreted in a certain way, many scenarios can come of it. The artist was either urging the viewer to take the image in and interpret it themselves (there is no clear subtext), or they just thought this setup looks cool.


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Climbing Face Response 2

I was fooled by the first image! I really thought the man on the string was an artistic choice.  I I were to record this image in detail, I would say that this is a close-up image of a girl. This girl is expressionless, but whatever angle you look at her, she is staring directly at you. This image has more of a natural tone, and there is no color that necessarily pops out. Her skin looks quite coarse and uneven, and her lips are greatly chapped or dry. She may have some makeup on. I feel as if this is a closeup of her face on purpose, to make the viewer pay attention to the detail that lies within and subsequently become uncomfortable. If she was standing in the distance, there would be no detail and this feeling of personal space being violated wouldn’t be there. However, if this was just a closeup of her eye, I would just see an eye because that has been done many times before. For some reason, people really like drawing and photographing eyes. There is something off about her,