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"Lost in a world" - Response

1. What is the general premise of the video?

This video was intended to showcase how bad Western society has become in our addiction to mobile devices! We're overlooking key points in our lives to say LOL on our phones! People are dying and it's all our fault for using those damn devices! The devil herself's spawn, I tell you!
2. Is the video effective in conveying its intended message?

If you don't feel like reading this analysis, then no, it does not.

The creator of this video must be a boomer. By that, I mean boomers (or ignorant older people who refuse to educate themselves and stick to archaic ideals) tend to overlook real prejudices in society and make a big hoot over young people and their damn phones. When giving thought to real problems in our society (the current political climate inflaming discrimination against people of color, rampant student loans forcing college graduates to live out their lives in their parents' basements because most of their paycheck goes to the pocket of a greedy college, etc.), these people gloss over them because "it's not their problem"... however, not even thinking of the technological advancements humanity has made over the past 20 years to extend life-span, improve quality of life, and connect people like never before, they make long, artsy PSAs over how bad things are happening around us and we aren't even paying attention!

Suicides happen because of friction between people, whether that be a homophobic parent, or an abusive friend group OR a mental illness (for which the development of phones and communication have helped to discover, diagnose, and obtain help)... while phones may have an element in incidents such as these, realistically there would be people at the bottom of the building in which the girl was standing, but they would be there with a mattress, begging her not to do it, etc... People as a whole are more empathetic and not as sheep-like as this video portrays them to be.

What I mean is that this video contains the same rhetoric I have seen a million times before. Oh no! Our phones are evil death machines that we look at so much that we are distracted from the world around us! And the only ones 'awake' in this scenario (i.e. not on their phone) are key people who the creator wants us to see to make a point. This poor little boy who sees a blubbering, drunk man harassing a sweet, conventionally attractive young lady on the subway WANTS TO do something but he doesn't. None of these people are on their phones. So weird. If this video was true to its' premise every single damn person would be on their phones. Same with the suicide girl. And then the Tinder girl on a date... KAREN, EVERYONE HAS PREFERENCE OF CHOICE WHEN CHOOSING A MATE. If Tinder didn't exist, everyone would do the same exact thing with the people around them... the advancement of dating apps just makes choosing a mate easier. This video just makes her look bad for choosing one man over the other. I dare say it's a little sexist.

Maybe to someone who agrees, this video would get its' point across, but to a skeptic it's a dud.

I could spend this response pointing out every little flaw of this video because I plainly do not like it, but for your sake I will keep them to myself.

The animation style is magnificent, however. What a waste of money and time on something so fake-deep and vapid.
3. Do you feel that this is more of a cautionary story (a warning) or more of an examination of our current social situation? Why?

I feel that this video was meant to be an analysis of the social situation presently. The creator noticed himself walking into trees so much due to his phone use that he decided to take a stand against the cellphone companies themselves using his impeccable animation and storytelling skill! Lawsuits pending.

However, this feels like more of a dystopia, because THE EVENTS HAPPENING IN THIS VIDEO DO NOT ACCURATELY PORTRAY TODAY'S REALITY. 

Phones and devices as a whole have done a lot more good for humanity than bad, and I sincerely feel that this subject of the little bad it does has been blown out of proportion. Ignorant people are choosing to focus on arbitrary flaws rather than the real problems plaguing our society today. This video is a prime example of such thinking.


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