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Letter to the past

The fact that I’m writing to you means you’ll still be alive by February 21st, 2020! Yay!!!!!!

This applies to any class, but don’t procrastinate. If you do, the quality of your work will be absolute crap, and it’ll have no purpose. In the first semester, you’ll put out a lot of creative, thoughtful work, but you’ll start to let it slip. Don’t. Read the directions carefully (because sometimes, you take a bunch of photos that you can’t even use because you didn’t follow the prompt), and try and complete each project as early as possible to yield the best product. That’s what will set you apart from others; the quality of your work can outshine anyone else’s. But that’s only if you take the time and put the effort in. It sucks to fall into the pack, and you’ll do that a few times if you’re not careful. You’ll get a camera for Christmas, so I highly suggest you begin to use it. Play around with the settings to yield the best coloring (for example, you will shoot a film in February, and because you adjusted the white balance, the colors popped out in a way you never knew they could), and take it into Photoshop. Play around with Photoshop’s settings such as Curves, Contrast, etc. because it will enhance the image a lot more than anything the camera originally picked up.

Your Semester I Final exam project, in my opinion, was the most competent. The Blue project is a runner up. The Mirror/Future project that you’ll make in September is also notable.

In this image, you used the time allotted to create a paper structure, shoot it, and edit it in Photoshop. I believe that this will be your best work thus far (As of February 21st, 2020), because the composition, colors, idea, and quality of your image far outshined any of your past work. The yellow areas give a warm feeling, and the purple areas do just the opposite. You’ll learn about photography techniques in the beginning of the year, and I feel that you can apply most of them to this image. 

Finally, getting Photo I projects done as early as possible leaves time to work on other homework, and we both know how much you love that. Semester I will be hard because of DE College Algebra, but you won’t have a math class for the rest of high school, so count your blessings. 



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