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Showing posts from 2020

Time Project

Smile Project

Narrative Project

Reflection of the reflection

I am going to focus a lot more on composition without sacrificing my roots. I feel that if I stop being competitive that the quality of my work will decrease, so I really cannot stop. I lacked a lot with this aspect with two big projects since the beginning of the semester (The Colors project and the Forced Perspective project) but I feel that I will do better with quality with projects in the future. I also believe that my Cubism assignment was okay, too. Grade: C-

Letter to the past

The fact that I’m writing to you means you’ll still be alive by February 21st, 2020! Yay!!!!!! This applies to any class, but don’t procrastinate. If you do, the quality of your work will be absolute crap, and it’ll have no purpose. In the first semester, you’ll put out a lot of creative, thoughtful work, but you’ll start to let it slip. Don’t. Read the directions carefully (because sometimes, you take a bunch of photos that you can’t even use because you didn’t follow the prompt), and try and complete each project as early as possible to yield the best product. That’s what will set you apart from others; the quality of your work can outshine anyone else’s. But that’s only if you take the time and put the effort in. It sucks to fall into the pack, and you’ll do that a few times if you’re not careful. You’ll get a camera for Christmas, so I highly suggest you begin to use it. Play around with the settings to yield the best coloring (for example, you will shoot a film in February, a

Statement response

"Tax dollars should not be wasted on art, music or theater classes in high school. Public high schools should be about training young people to enter the workforce. Period."  This sounds like something Florida Senator Rick Scott would say.  I personally do not believe this is true. Rick Scott probably likes to listen to music, or watch a movie like the rest of us. And does he know what propels people to make his favorite movies or music? Early exposure and connection to a field of arts that they love. A notable example in my eyes is Barry Jenkins, a film-maker who grew up in Miami in an overcrowded apartment, and graduated from a historically black high school. He went on to study film at FSU and eventually win the highest film award in all of the land (The Academy Award for Best Picture). This "rags-to-riches" story just goes to show that having the arts in public high schools matters a lot, especially to give opportunities for people who cannot afford the

Forced Perspective

What Art? - response

Part I 1) Describe the mood of the image(s)  What is the expression on the faces of the models?  What is their posture? In the first image, the lady has a neutral face, as if she is watching a presentation that doesn’t really affect her emotion. Her back is straight up, and her head is level, emulating a natural posture. In the second image, we see another lady from a different angle. She has her head tilted up, looking down at the viewer, and she has on another neutral face, as if she doesn’t feel anything about what’s going on (or she has a good poker face). There are a lot of brush strokes varying in color, so the artist may not have been painting realistically. The tone of the images is warm thanks to the warm background, and brushstrokes remind me of famous artists painting on warm, foggy nights so I’m getting a feeling as such. 2) Think about technique.  How do you imagine these images were created? Oil paint? Photoshop? Certain parts of the image look overtly re



