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Media Literacy #1 - answers

1. She is trying to portray to her followers and anyone who happens to look at her page that she is adventurous, a free spirit, a traveler, curious about life, and an explorer.

2. She is mildly successful. To one who is absentmindedly looking at her page, the photos of her traveling and doing cool things would make one believe that she is a traveler. But to me, she looks a little fake. By fake, I mean these photos could have been staged. Many influencers ensure that their social media feeds are "vintage" and aesthetic-looking, but like you said in the beginning, this is an idealized version of what her life is actually like. Maybe she travels a lot, but the idealized photos that she posts are likely not her reality.

3. Not to become a conspiracy theorist, but I would not trust this woman with anything of mine. I do not want to ever be near her, if she even exists! The internet is a wild place. She could be a catfish, or a bot. Her bio caption stands out to me because no personal details are revealed, and real people love to talk about themselves. I can't even see her damn face! The fact that she doesn't show her own face, the fact that she doesn't follow anyone, and the fact that her photos and bio caption are really vague and don't showcase anything specific about her (For example, if she's a writer, maybe she'd be promoting a new book she's proud of writing, or if she's a traveler, she'd highlight the places she's been, or maybe even reveal her real name... her last name isn't Wanderlust) proves to me that she is probably fake in some way. A made up personality, likely a catfish or a bot.


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